I don't care what other people might say about blogging. No matter how senseless, how un-edited and superficial this first draft writing is, it still is a form of literature just like the traditional diaries. It is though, semi-private. Meaning there's a big chance that a blogger would write something without the intention or any expectations of an audience.
Alright, so today I blog about how work is in a call center, which I would guess is part corporate world, really is sometimes a pain in the *(&.
"Gaguhan lang yan", I remember somebody saying, in reference to climbing up the corporate ladder (?). During a heated argument, fueled with alcohol, I remember saying how I would rather be a carpenter and be accounted and assessed based on the number of nails I hammer, or pillars I erect. I think there's just so many things in promoting yourself to position in a corporate world that has nothing to do with your exact job capabilities.
There is, most importantly I guess, your people's perception. How do people see you? regardless of what you really are. It is excruciatingly more disdainful to step inside the office and pose as somebody with such leadership qualities, than to actually do the day's task.
They are habits you must form, I guess I read about that, habits that you must project in every conversation, in every move , and even thought you make.
The slightest hand gesture or body language can easily topple your entire self-made "self" and ruin your career, except if your exceptionally gifted that going through those wouldn't be necessary.
Ok. So what the heck. I've been doing my job with all honesty, following process to point. The scores you give your employees represent them, and who wouldn't want to take advantage of the tremendous loopholes that splatter the scoring system?
I know everybody knows, I was told to never think that they know nothing about the irregularities. It's a grand understatement, given that if I were granted to try and fix it, and have everybody follow the process to the point, there will only be a handful of people left with a job.
So there it is, I guess i'm not fit for it, not up for the mechanisms on how people are judged for their work, and the habits one has to endure to have people judge you the way you want to be judged. But then, nobody's going to pay me even half of what i'm currentyl receiving no matter how many nails I hammer.
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posted by
5/14/2010 08:18:00 PM
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