

Can't get enough of Pacmania? eto pa o. Almost everyday, he makes sure he tells his girlfriend he loves her to the point that he realized that he wasn't doing it because he wanted to but because he needed to. To re assure himself that he do really loves her. it wasn't because he loves her the more but it's because he was afraid he was loving her less. Round ten. Kablam. Morales down on his knees, his face seemed to have grown twice in mass and surface area. Pacman on the corner, his mustache looking good on him for the first time. seven! eight! nine! Morales gets up, starts to move to the left, maneuvering. duck! dip! dive! dodge! a barage of punches---- dead. pacman brought eric to his first ever lost by KO. Congratulations El Terible i guess there's always a first for everything. Pacman, you have just made 80 million people so happy that i can't imagine what would happen if you lost. The sudden surge of nationalism everytime a Filipino wins in any globally recognized event is just unbelievable. It wouldn't really matter, will it? whether juan de la cruz won an international bottle cap opening contest or whether the entire PBA roster gets drafted in the NBA. The nation just have to have something to be proud of. The fight between pacman and morales proved many things, shown us as many good things as there are bad. The fight proved to us that there is still some things that every Filipino can unanimously agree upon. Perhaps the fight was really a unifying factor that brough all Filipinos together, but did it really do just that? the fight brought every filipino together to their TV screens all at once, and maybe that's just all there is to it. It's a far cry from what the media is trying to say. The 10th round KO of pacman didn't solve problems in this country, perhaps pacman was able to solve quite a few more than what Gloria was able to, but the illusion in all these din't make things any clearer. One thing is for sure, though. that the nation's response to the event only proves how badly we need an outlet from all the mess we are in. The filipinos unbelievable response to pacman' s victory exemplifies our need to be re assured. That the more demoralized a nation is, the greater the surge of nationalism in almost every given oppurtunity. To re assure ourselves that we do really feel the "love" for the country. the pride of being a Filipino. maybe because we've nothing left to be proud of. We crave for these oppurtunities to boost a dying spirit. i dream of a day when if ever another pacman knocks out a morales, that we'd just sit back in our chairs and smile. and silently acknowledge the fact that we are proud or whatever, and we don't need to prove it to anyone else. that we don't need to re assure. that a pacman is not our only reason. that after every fight, we'd go back to work and to look forward with confidence into our future.