
1st Fastball Softball Tournament ends

Congratulations to Fastball Blue Angels for winning 3rd place in the recently concluded 1st Fastball Softball Tournament, congratulations to Harbstarken for winning the championship game against the International Phillies.

The Angels, after losing 15-4 against tourney champions Harbstarken, went over to husstle their way to beat Team Korea and even needed an extra inning,to end perhaps the most exciting game we've played throughout the tournament. However, you can click on the link and visit fastballcebu.com for the rest of the tournament details, I can't write the details of the games, I was playing! hehe

I was not exactly on the right place during the game to be writing about it, I don't even remember how many runs I've made or how many strikes I took. But i remember hitting a triple, and bruising my right knee, my hip and my right elbow on lousy attempts of base sliding, head first. Growing up with the sport, I never had the chance to practice base sliding.

Moving ahead, I would like to thank extra joss, (3 packs of them) for aiding me throughout the entire afternoon during game day, playing without sleep, going straight to the field after 10 hours of call center work. Nevertheless, I wouldn't have done it without those extra joss, though I would not advise drinking 3 packs in one gulp, it had been 2 days of sleeping and eating and rest, still my body aches like I actually need it.

More importantly, I have always believed that baseball is one of the sports that we Filipinos can strive in. We actually excelled during the early 1900's in Asia, the Japanese just won their second world series, and we are just as small and stocky as we should be. I just have this theory that Filipinos, does not have enough patience and passion for baseball, as we do basketball, perhaps due to factors of accessiblity, the personal touch and feel of basketball, growing up as PBA fans, which we don't have for baseball. We dont have enough diamond fields to bring enough players. We look at baseball as a fun sport, yet we should be seeing baseball as a true competitive sport. We need sports like we need movies, they just have to be personal and readily available, so we yell and enjoy basketball better.

But there are many of us out there, baseball enthusiasts, who grew up loving the sport, the smell of grass and the thrill of plays and runs. It's a beautiful sport, my father taught me hard, I learned well but I am no manny pacquiao, and then I was caught with basketball too, and that's another story.

I am more than wiling to promote the sport and help, to whatever I can, to lift baseball into the limelight. I think Fastball Cebu with former UP Cebu star pitcher, owner Jesse Bernad will be a great venue to start reviving the sport, no not reviving, it is beginning a new era of baseball/softball generation of international talents. Anyone interested, join us and visit fastballcebu.com - The 1st Fastball Softball Tournament may have just ended last saturday, but it surely is just the beginning.

Never was a hard hitter, hit 1 homerun in the homerun derby at least. :)


atticus said...

aba, ang ading ko, may sporting life na. very good, hehe.

rudyman said...

may sporting life na ulit kamo, hehe