
Good Morning

Sometimes, you just need to wake up in the morning. And for months, today, was the first time it actually felt like waking up in the morning. I am convinced at to some point, that we are designed just to do that. Wake up in the Morning. you can wake up in the evening all you want but when you grew up, and is still growing up, it's embedded in the deepest cells of brain and you can not imagine- it's like a given, you have no choice, even the rooster would know- you are to wake up in the morning.

But then of course, i woke up in the evening a bit later after that. IT feels good. I get confused sometimes, i usually defend myself, and the meds kicks me back in the grounds steady-(I found some sanctuary of a drug store that handed me my stuff without the paper-halleluyah). While I try, firing aimlessly at the subtle grounds to keep at rest. But no matter, I am in my blog- Able. Able to at least type down some sense at best I could, like these are in form.

Give it to work, give it to sensations of plastic hardware and cartoon like cardboards that were supposed to be real. Give it to the endless numbing, red flashes that you feel porbing at the sides of your skull- you don't even want to start with the descriptions- point is, still waking up in the morning could make them go away-SOmehow, Surprise.

Wake up in the morning, you'll wake up much better.

But then, was it the beer?

1 comment:

fetus said...

kita ka og numb tol?